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Radboud University
Radboud University

Dear RUNOMI affiliates,

Welcome to the first edition of the RUNOMI newsletter in 2023! We hope that you enjoyed the winter break and wish you all a happy, healthy and inspiring new year. 

We already have a great programme to share with you for the next few months. On 07 February, the Centre for Migration Law (CMR) is going to host an event in collaboration with RUNOMI on asylum seekers and the right to work. On 30 March, RUNOMI and the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Office (DEI office) will collaborate once again to organize several sessions on inclusive sciences. Please see for more information below or see our website. 

The RUNOMI core team is looking forward to an energizing year with a variety of inspiring activities! 

Kind regards,

Pascal Beckers – Director RUNOMI Research & Valorization

Wilbert Spooren – Director RUNOMI Education

Linda Sloane - Network officer

Maura Grimeijer - General Student assistant

Manou Tuerlings - Social Media Student assistant


7 February 2023, 15:00-17:00 CET (Please note: event is in Dutch)
Asielzoekers en het recht op werk: naar een manifest ter bevordering van daadwerkelijke toegang tot de arbeidsmarkt.
De Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt kampt met tekorten. Een oplossing is de tewerkstelling van asielzoekers. Hierbij is ook de asielzoeker zelf gebaat, omdat werk bijdraagt aan een gevoel van welzijn. Van de mogelijkheid om asielzoekers tewerk te stellen wordt echter weinig gebruik gemaakt: van de asielzoekers die mogen werken, wordt voor slechts 1 tot 2% een vergunning aangevraagd.
In deze bijeenkomst bespreken experts uit de wetenschap en de praktijk de barrières met betrekking tot daadwerkelijke toegang tot arbeid voor asielzoekers en gaan zij in op mogelijke oplossingen. De bijeenkomst sluit af met de uitreiking van een manifest dat Minister van Gennip (SZW) oproept om de toegang tot arbeid voor kansrijke asielzoekers te vereenvoudigen en in overeenstemming te brengen met EU-recht. Aanmelden kan via Zie hier voor meer informatie.

9 February 2023, 11:30-17:00 CET (Please note: event is in English)
Network afternoon EMN Netherlands i.c.w. COA: ‘Flexibele (asiel)opvang in Nederland en Europa’ (Flexible (asylum) reception in the Netherlands and Europe)
In recent years, the Netherlands, like other European countries, has faced increasing pressure on the capacity of asylum accommodations. During the network afternoon, experts from within the country and abroad will discuss challenges, solutions, good practices and lessons for the future.
During the event, EMN Netherlands will present the EMN study on flexible reception in EU member states, with a comparative analysis on the similarities and differences between member states. Afterwards, experts from COA and from two member states will discuss Dutch and European case studies from the study. In the subsequent panel discussion, Dutch experts will discuss flexible reception in the context of temporary protection of refugees from Ukraine in the Netherlands. Questions from the audience and for discussions with the audience are encourage.The full program and registration information will follow shortly. See here for more information. 

30 March 2023, 12:30-16:30 CET
Day of Inclusive Sciences

Do you want to make your research inclusive, but you are struggling due to time and funding concerns? Are you interested in hearing and learning from experiences of your fellow colleagues? Do you find it difficult to reach out to your research population?
Get informed about possibilities and inspired by colleagues on Thursday, 30 March 2023! We will have a keynote speaker (t.b.a.), parallel sessions on funding possibilities; creative methods and knowledge creation; recruitment of so-called hard-to-reach populations (f.i. homeless people and undocumented migrants); and working with a sounding board, followed by a meet-and-greet where you can exchange experiences with your colleagues. See here for more information.

27-28 March 2023, Bonn, Germany
Lived transnationalism in times of violent conflict – Cross-border connections and mobilities of people, goods and capital, organized by IMISCOE Standing Committee on Migrant Transnationalism (MITRA) and Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies
Violent conflict sets people in motion and changes existing social relationships. More specifically, large-scale wars and local conflicts not only force people to flee from violence, but also transform pre-existing patterns of mobility for violence, but transform pre-existing mobility patterns, often changing the rhythms and routes of travel. As a consequence, new forms of social practices across international borders and of 'transnational living' are established.

This two-day symposium, co-hosted by the IMISCOE Standing Committee on Migrant Transnationalism (MITRA) and the BMBF-funded Forced Migration and Refugee Studies project: Networking and Knowledge Transfer (FFVT), seeks to unpack how transnational mobilities and connectivities come into being and change under the conditions of violent conflicts, and how they shape the lives of those who are transnationally (dis)entangled. See here for more information.


Call for papers: Symposium and PhD-training: Conference Lived transnationalism in times of violent conflict – Cross-border connections and mobilities of people, goods and capital (held 27-28 March 2023, Bonn)
As mentioned above, this symposium seeks to unpack how transnational mobilities and connectivities come into being and change under the conditions of violent conflicts, and how they shape the lives of those who are transnationally (dis)entangled. This symposium wants to bring together scholars who embrace a transnational research perspective yet come from very different disciplinary backgrounds (e.g., anthropology, sociology, political science and international relations, geography). It aims to provide a space of engagement for both established scholars and PhD candidates in the fields of (forced) migration studies as well as peace and conflict studies, who are working on the transnational entanglements of diverse actors in violent conflicts.
The deadline for application submissions is set on 31 January 2023 and should be sent to

Call for proposals: Media representation and inclusion for refugees and migrants
Media (re)presentation and visibility of vulnerable groups like migrants and refugees remains marginal in the mainstream social media across the EU, with the exception of the coverage of the consequences of the war against Ukraine. The objective of this European Commission (EC) action grants call is to identify ways to promote inclusive social media in Europe, and to help amplify refugee and migrants’ own narratives about their place and role within European societies and communities. The deadline for submission is 15 March 2023.

Call for nominations: Maria Ioannis Baganha Dissertation Award 2023
The IMISCOE Network has awarded this prize annually since 2010 to stimulate and recognize excellent PhD research in the field of migration research. Dissertations from all academic disciplines and methodological approaches are welcome. Applicants who have applied in earlier years cannot apply again. Thesis manuscripts in which a majority of the substantive chapters are co-authored publications will not be accepted. The 2023 competition is open to all PhD recipients whose official defense date occurred within the 24-month period preceding the deadline for submission of 31 January 2023. Applications should be submitted by email to the IMISCOE Network Office:


Vacancy: Executive Director position at The Board of Trustees of the Center for Migration Studies of New York (CMS)
Applicants should send a cover letter outlining their interest in and vision for the position, a current CV, and salary requirements to CMS seeks to fill the position early in 2023 and will consider applications on a rolling basis.

Vacancy: PhD position on return migration governance
Do you have an interdisciplinary research profile? And do you have proven experience with qualitative research methods? In the context of an international HORIZON EUROPE project on return migration governance, Radboud University is looking for a PhD researcher with thematic and conceptual expertise related to return migration governance. The application deadline is set on 22 January 2023.

Vacature: Coördinator vluchtelingen (Please note: position is in Dutch)
Binnen de gemeente Berg en Dal wordt er gewerkt aan verschillende opgaven, waaronder vluchtelingenvraagstuk. Binnen deze functie ben je verantwoordelijk voor het realiseren van de Opgave Vluchtelingen en de verbinding van beleidsterreinen binnen het team Maatschappelijke Ontwikkeling (waaronder ook onderwijs, sport, welzijn, preventie), Team Werk en Inkomen, Team Ruimtelijke Ontwikkeling en de uitvoering (Sociaal team). Belangrijke uitdagingen zijn de opvang van de ontheemden uit Oekraïne, de opvang van statushouders, de opvang van AMV-ers en de verwachte taakstelling met betrekking tot de asielzoekers. In deze opgave ben je trekker en werk je samen met de opgavemanager, de beleidsmedewerkers, de deelprojectleiders voor en alle andere collega’s die hierbij betrokken zijn. De sollicitatiedeadline is 19 januari 2023.

Deepening your knowledge

- Article
Radboud Recharge: ‘You found refuge in the Netherlands, now what?’
Suppose you've had to leave home and hearth and you finally reach the Netherlands after a long journey full of uncertainties. From an emergency shelter or asylum seekers' centre, you then have to wait for months without any certainty about your future. In the meantime, you cannot study or work. That is the fate of most refugees when they first arrive in the Netherlands. With initiatives like Radboud Welcomes Newcomers, the University wants to help these people give new forms to their lives. “Many people yearn to be intellectually challenged again.”

- Report
Publication advisory report ‘Realisme rond richtgetallen - Kansen en risico’s van streefcijfers en quota in het migratiebeleid’, presented on 22 December 2022. 
The Migration Advisory Council (Adviesraad Migratie) offered the advisory report on use of policy target numbers within the migration domain to the Cabinet on Thursday Dec. 22. The report states that the use of target figures within the migration domain can contribute to a more future-oriented, coherent and socially embedded migration policy. However, target figures must be derived from a broader vision of migration in society and must be applied realistically. In addition, a crucial condition is that the national government has sufficient policy space to actually realize target numbers, otherwise the government will organize its own disappointments. Should the government wish to commit to the use of guide numbers, the Canadian model - with its focus on citizen consultation - offers starting points.
In addition to two other professors, Prof. Dr. M. Lubbers, an associate member of RUNOMI, was asked to write academic explorations for this report. Lubbers explored the state of the art in terms of public attitudes toward migration.

Recent publications

van den Bogert, K. (2022). Street football, gender and Muslim youth in the Netherlands: Girls who kick back. London: Bloomsbury Academic.

Geertsema, K. & Smulders, S. (2022) 'De Integrale geloofwaardigheidsbeoordeling opnieuw gewogen', JV, jubileumnummer 25 jaar JV, p. 20-36.

Gkliati, M. (2022). The EU Returns Agency: The Commissions’ Ambitious Plans and Their Human Rights Implications, European Journal of Migration and Law, 24(4), 545-569.

Hebinck, P., Smith, L. & M. Aliber (2022) Beyond technocracy: The role of the state in rural development in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Land Use Policy, 126. 

de Lange, T., & Vankova, Z. (2022). The Recast EU Blue Card Directive: Towards a Level Playing Field to Attract Highly Qualified Migrant Talent to Work in the EU?, European Journal of Migration and Law, 24(4), 489-515.

Mantu, S.(222). Revisiting the boundaries of European social citizenship, A&MR 2022/10, p. 542-547.

Sportel, I. & Nissen, E. (2022). Tensions between migration law actors and child protection law actors in cases of children without legal residence in the Netherlands. Child and Family Law Quarterly Issue 6, Vol 34.

Terlouw, A.B. (2022). Klassisme: discriminatie op grond van sociale status. Toevoeging van de gronden sociale afkomst en/of sociaaleconomische status aan de Nederlandse anti-discriminatiewetgeving? Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Mensenrechten | NJCM-Bulletin Jaargang 47, nummer 4.

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